Episode 51: Preventing and treating cardiovascular disease with plant-based nutrition (Part 1)

We’re back at the first Canadian Plant-based Nutrition conference where we listen in to Dr Shane Williams speak about the science behind the power of plant-based nutrition for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.  

In 2010, Dr Williams stumbled across a copy of the book ‘The China Study’ written by Dr. T. Colin and Tom Campbell and was surprised with the amount of nutritional research that existed to support a whole foods, plant-based diet to not only prevent but also stabilize, improve and sometimes even reverse many chronic conditions including elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, coronary heart disease and diabetes. Since then, after changing his diet and enjoying many health benefits, he’s been incorporating nutritional education and training into the care of his clinic patients. Dr Williams lectured at plant-based conferences, hosted many week long immersion programs locally as well as a 10-day ‘Plant-based Immersion Summit’ in the Caribbean with Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn along with other leaders in the field. He considers himself very lucky to have witnessed (and continues to witness) so many of his patients often completely turn their health around once they learn and implement the scientifically proven, optimal nutritional approach for humans – a whole foods, plant-based diet. He’s passionate about bringing this information to as many people as possible so they too can become empowered to both safeguard and improve their health.

Don’t miss more talks from the conference in future episodes.

This episode is presented in partnership with Plant-based Canada.


Plant-based Canada

YouTube link to the video recording for the conference

The Lifestyle Is Medicine podcast is produced by Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine in Toronto, Canada and Lifestyle Is Medicine. Pathways is a group of clinics in Toronto that prevents, treats and reverses disease using evidence-based lifestyle medicine. Pathways provides compassionate, evidence-based care at two clinics in Toronto: the North York Lifestyle Medicine Clinic and Junction Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. Learn more at: www.pathwaystowholeness.ca

Lifestyle Is Medicine is a not for profit that shares the principles of lifestyle medicine to help individuals and families prevent and reverse today’s leading chronic conditions. Learn more at: www.lifestylemed.org

Music credits


Akashic Records

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