Episode 62: Enough protein, B12 and calcium on a plant-based diet? (Part 2)

This is part 2 of a 3-part series answering common questions about plant-based eating with Dr Neeta Hillman, an internal medicine doctor from the United States, and Beverley Haines, a registered dietitian from British Columbia, Canada. They’ll be answering whether we can get enough protein, vitamin B12 and calcium on a plant-based diet.

The recording is from Lifestyle MED LIVE, a series of free online events on today’s most important health and lifestyle medicine topics.


Lifestyle MED LIVE

Pathways Clinics

Lifestyle Is Medicine

The Lifestyle Is Medicine podcast is produced by Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine in Toronto, Canada and Lifestyle Is Medicine.

Pathways is a group of clinics in Toronto that prevents, treats and reverses disease using evidence-based lifestyle medicine. Pathways provides compassionate, evidence-based care at three locations in Toronto: North York, Junction, and Scarborough Learn more at: www.pathwaystowholeness.ca

Lifestyle Is Medicine is a not for profit that shares the principles of lifestyle medicine to help individuals and families prevent and reverse today’s leading chronic conditions. Learn more at: www.lifestylemed.org

Music credits


Akashic Records

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